Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Game Informer = Biased

Your probably wondering why I am now saying that game informer is biased. Well, it's for a number of reasons. And they are not biased in general. They almost always pick the person that likes the game the most anyways to do the review. This, more often then not, resutls in a higher score due sheerly to personal preference. And, there is one more, rather large, factor: Gamestop. Game Informer is sold exclusively through Gamestop and Eb games. And even then only subscription only. So they raise the scores to sell games. Also, ever notice how the previews never match up with the reviews? They tend to minimize the flaws while beating you over the head with positives, even they are not in playable form.

Now, Game Informer is still one of the best magazines for gaming. It packs alot of content, and their reviews for big games are not too far off. But if you plan on buying a game that get's something as bad as a 6.75 from GI, make sure to check a few other sites. Anyway, I just checked their site for Blacksite: Area 51 and they gave it a 7.5, ignoring the fact that other places gave it 6. Now, I'm not trying to get everyone to boycott Game Informer. Just don't trust their review scores without a little extra homework.

Oh, and on a side note, Official X-box magazine is the most biased peice of junk ever. Only buy if you really want some bad jokes and a demo disc. Same thing with official Playstation magazine, but without the disc.

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