Friday, April 11, 2008

Dark Sector First impressions

Dark Sector has really been a long time in the making. It was the first announced next gen game,but back then it was a sleek sci-fi shooter rather then dark and gory game it is now. The core of he gameplay is very similar to Gears of War: Spirt from cover to cover and pop out occasionally to shoot at enemies. Your health regenerates a bit slower, although you have more of it.  You tend to fight more enemies, and with no squad these are quite a challenge. However, the game gives you a quite interesting tool: The glaive. This little three bladed death frisbee is allot like a boomerang that decapitates people. It returns to you within a few seconds of throwing, and will glitch through walls to find you. If an enemies is hit by the glaive, they most commonly lose a limb. 

 Chopping someone's head off with it is a bit finicky though. I don't know whether hitting someone in their neck or  their head will trigger it, and its nowhere near as satisfying as hitting someone anywhere else. The glaive is actually really easy to use, and is easily your weapon of choice, but only because it makes the game too easy. Since 60 or so percent if hits with it result in death,  and it functions almost exactly like a gun ( just aim and hit RB ), you end up breezing through firefights. The game tries to make it less of a firearm and more of a super death frisbee with after touch ( slo-mo that makes the camera follow the glaive and lets you guide it )  and power throw ( cheesy timing minigame ). Both of these are optional, but are so good you feel guilty about using them.

 Hopefully the complaints will resolve themselves later into the game (I'm only halfway through).


Anonymous said...

Hey Paul its Zakk I was thinking about your blog so I decided to hop on and see how it was going.

Well I played Dark Sector and was disappointed I just thought you couldnt do much in it, I thought the "Finishers" were very unoriginal, and the story was hard to follow. I think Dark Sector is just a all out bad game.

I havent been playing video games much lately because ive been working on my latest hobby
Salt Water Aquariums, its a great hobby im enjoying every second of it.

What have you been doing lately?

I will never play Xbox 360 again because I have a ps3 now and IMO it is by far the best video game system. MGS4 comes out thursday!!! its gonna be Awesome!!!!!

By the way the blog is looking real nice.


the homeschooling gamer said...

Thanks!!! I have not been doing all that much, besides a bit of skateboarding now and then. Before you completely move onto the Ps3, you should check out Mass Effect. It's the best rpg I have ever played, even better then Oblivion. And MGS4 looks amazing!!! I am considering getting a Ps3 just for that game.

Anonymous said...

Ya ive played every MGS game in the series. MGS is my favorite video game series, and IMO this looks like the best one.

Ya I tryed Mass Effect but got bored of it after a week.

I relly havent been playing Xbox at all lately I was relly disapointed with Halo 3, and GTA 4,
but I did love Call Of Duty 4.

Ive been playing my PS3 more now (warming up for MGS4) because the graphics are alot better than
Xbox 360, but I do miss private chat on Xbox Live that was my favorite feature in Xbox the PS3 still has Private Chat but you can only stay in the private chat room with the xbox you can play a game when your in private chat.

IMO PS3 has the better games the better graphics and the better all a round.

Unfortunatly my Paper route can not support all of my expesive hobbys so I had to focus on only two at a time so I chose Guitar and
Salt Water Aquariums, Video Games got left behind, but not for long MGS4 will be my first game that Ive bought in about a year.
