Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Artemis Fowl book reveiw

Artemis Fowl is not a game. It is a book. Just wanted to tell you that. So anyway, here's the reveiw:

Artemis Fowl starts simply. Artemis Fowl is a criminal. He has completed more schemes then most Kingpins even think of. So the book starts with him looking for a contact. Artemis Fowl has another scheme up his sleeve, and this one will piss off an entire civilization. At this point in the reveiw, it is wise to mention Artemis's bodyguard, Butler. His last name is actually Butler. Allow me to qoute the book: ( this whole conversation takes plave when the contact asks if Butler is armed)
Contact: Are you armed?

Artemis: I am unarmed. Butler however, has a Big Sauer pistol in his ankle holder, three throwing knives up his sleeve,and a aoutamatic tranquilizer rifle on his back. Am I missing anything Butler?

Butler: The stun grenades.

Artemis: But none of those would be nessacary to kill you. Butler could kill you a hundred ways comepletly unarmed.

This sums up Butlers character quite well. Well, that, along with the fact that he broke an unfortunate pickpockets fingers when he tried to pick his pocket.

I don't believe I will be spoiling anything when I tell you that Artemis is 12.
He is also a genius.

Overall 9.5 out of 10


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good book. check out
my website
I liked your review.

the homeschooling gamer said...

It's a great book, and it holds up pretty well ( read it about 3 or 4 times) but I can't get to you site. I copy and paste the link but it takes me to the homepage. If you could post an easyer way then I would check it out.

The Homeschooling Gamer

the homeschooling gamer said...

Or do you have to sighn up to access it?

Anonymous said...

You use to be able to post as gusts
but now you cant I dont no why. Im
going to try to fix it ill tell
you when you can post as a gust.

the homeschooling gamer said...

No thats not my problem I can not get to your blog. I use the link but it takes me to the home page, not the site