Saturday, December 1, 2007

Wii first impressions, part 2

Well, sicne I have already talked about the console itself, I will now go into some undetailed impressions about the games I have rented or own.

Red Steel (rented)

Red Steel is extremely different then any other shooters out there. To start with, it's controls are... strange. There exactly hat you would expect them to be, so you use the wiimote to look around by turning it to the edge of the screen, and the nunchuck handles using things like reloading and opening doors. It's extremely immersive, but in a bad way. Even though the character you play as is a trained bodyguard, you feel like a civilian whenever you try to aim. The cursor tend s to jump from one side of the screen to the other, and you will often see your gun vibrating really fast, due to some technical glitches. Overall, it feels 's like Red Steel has potential... but, like many aspects of the game, that's has been squandered.

Excite Truck ( rented)

This game started off impressive. Tilting the remote to steer feels great, and works well. But after that quick tutorial telling you how to accelerate and steer, the game go's downhill. Some extremely unclear motions, and the fact that almost all tricks are performed by motions, forces the game downhill. It might be easy to pull off the most basic stuff, but anything else will kill your hands. Seriously. A misunderstanding about the controls scheme made my hand hurt. The controls are just that bad.

Super Mario Galaxy

Wow. And I don't type this sarcastically. This game amazing. Some of the concepts presented steel the show from other, more classic, Mario elements to the point where it makes the game feel like a new franchise.

You may recall Prey. This game had a long development time, and never really fulfilled on it's promises. It's main gimmick was that you could flip around gravity. This was extremely interesting, and was occasionally delivered upon by shooting at enemies on the ceiling. Super Mario Galaxy is remniscent of this game by involving gravity, and unlike Prey, it really feel's great.

In Super Mario Galaxy you shoot from planet to planet, but not in the way presented in game's like Knights of the Old Republic and Mass Effect. Here you go from sphere to sphere by finding a launch star, and shaking the remote will shoot you to the next area. I have to go now, so I will continue this tomorrow.

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