Monday, February 19, 2007

Dawn of War: Dark Crusade Review

I have been doing a lot of posts about Warhammer 40k and it seem's like I have forgotten about it's video game translation. Dawn of War: Dark Crusade is, basicly, 40k on a pc. In most strategy games you make villagers or workers to collect reources. Not DoW. Here you train miltary units to capture strategic points. So I might train a couple of Scouts early on in the game( like in the first minute) to capture some strategic points. Then yu can augment the effectiveness with little mini forts built on top of them. While this a good system, at later times in the game it becomes far to easy or far too hard to gain resources, depending on the selected map. Another notable feature of this game is the pace. If you attack early on (known as rushing) in other games, your army will probaly be ready for the attack in the first 13 minutes. In this game, to be good at rushing you need to attack n the first 7 minutes.

All the races in this game play extremely differently, and it is nearly impossible to master them all. I can't win against the computer with Eldar, but I could own two at the same time with Necrons. The battles are extremely well translated from the game. Morale plays a huge in the game, along with cover and, my favorite, terrain. All these elements add a certain flare to this game that simply can not be found anywhere else.
Since it's a standalone expansion pack, you don't need the other Dawn of War games to play it.

But if your interested in multiplayer, it is definetly worth getting the other two, becuse even if you have all the single player content, it' mp is still worth trying.
Thi game is a real bargain for thirty bucks, so over all you have to get it.
over all 9 out of 10.


Anonymous said...

Good Review, sounds fun if your into 40k.

Anonymous said...

Good Review, sounds fun if your into 40k.
(Again, forgot to sign the previous post :D )