Monday, February 26, 2007

Quake 4 review

Man, it has been a while. I could'nt updatew this blog because I did not have easy access to a computer. So now that I'm back, I will get the ball rolling (again) with a review of Quake 4. So, without further ado, here is the review:

For tose of you unfamiliar with the Quake series, it is rather popular fps that started with a weird, so-so beginning installment. After that firts game, the series picked up the slack with the spectacular, but still flawed, Quake 2. This game had almost nothing to do with the first one, and it seems like the developers just slapped the name on the game to genarate more sales. It placed you as a lone marine, part of landing force to invade the home planet of the Strogg, an alien race of cyborg( note: im using a weird keyboard, so forgive an typos).

The series had some more luck with Quake 3: arena. While this installment did nothing to further the plot, it was still a pretty decent shooter. It was an arena based game and probaly draws insparation from the Unreal Tournement line of games.

Now for Quake 4. This game is the first one in the series to somehow relate to the games in the series. You played as the same marine from Quake 2, and fought pretty much the same enemies. Once again, your ship crash-lands but luckily, most of your squad makes it. You then proceed to fight through a good amount of enemies with your squadmates and pick up a different, but not unoriganal, set of weaponry. The graphics are pretty good by todays standards, but there is just really not to much new here. If you like fps's, then this is defenetly worth checking out. While it may not do anything new, what it does it does REAL good.
Overall 8 out of 10.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More like a 4 out of 10