Thursday, March 8, 2007

Prey reveiw ( x-box 360)

Prey is a first person shooter. Prey certainly stats off slow. Your in your girlfreinds bar, and to guys get drunk and wont leave. You then need to beat them unconcious with the wrench, your primary melee weapon throughout the game. Then you, in on of the best scenes in gaming, get abducted by aliens. While your shackled to a metal slab, a human causes a malfunction and your holder drops to the ground. You have to club some giant space chickens to death with the wrench. After killing your first enemy soldier, you will get your first firearm. All the weapons in Prey have a squishy, organic feel. This weapon slowly regenarates ammo, so you wont't have to worry about that much. That is if your good with peashooters.

The game is one big ride after that, with normal firefights and puzzles. Well, not exactly normal. Prey has a cool wall flipping feature, where gravity will reverse and it seems like the room your in just flipped on its side, but It didnt, and it is quite possibile to be shooting at enemies on the ceiling, or in some other crazy area. But it does not stop there. Large blue strips on the walls indacate a wall-walk panel. You can walk on these, even if they go straight up walls. This leads to some cool moments with you shooting at bad guys on the floor.

Unforunately, Prey is not perfect. When your not on the wall, action is pretty normal. Allmost all the puzzles are solved by flipping gravity. It also runs its self to the ground with far too many gravity flipping puzzles. Prey is a great game, and definetly a must for fps fans.
Overall: 8.5 out of 10

1 comment:

lpk said...

sounds like an interesting game. Nice work. MOM