Thursday, March 22, 2007

Exclusive! Or is it?

Recently I have seen several games jump ship on exclusivity ( Assasin's Creed, Devil May Cry 4) and it it seems like there are a lot less exclusive games nowadays. In fact, it seems that exclusive now means on so and so's console first, and other platforms later. Now I am not saying this is a bad thing, in fact it is a good thing, since gamers without deep pockets get to play more games. But it could be bad, as Sony is undoubtedly learning. Many of their games are jumping ship, ( I hear Final Fantasy XIII is getting off the boat) and some already have.

So is exclusivity dead? No way! Flagship titles like Halo, Mario, and Resistance will more than likely stay on the publisher's consoles. But it is still pretty likely that other franchises will stray to the other consoles. It also seems like there could be a case of everybody buying a game on a particular console for better graphics and online support. If a Wii and 360 owner is excited about a game, they will probaly buy it on 360 for the better graphics and online support ( Wii online makes use of "Friend Codes" and Live is just easier to use). So Wii and Ps3 could lose out to the 360 because it has better online support.

It will be intereting to see if any of the consoles become the one to buy a multiplatform game. Please comment.

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