Sunday, March 25, 2007

Half Life 2 reveiw

In case you do not know now about Half life ( highly unlikely ), it is a popular fps series. The first game took ai to the next level, with enemys covering there squadmates, chucking grenades, flanking you, and many more manuvers. It also happened to be one of the best games on earth. If you do not own it, get it. Like right now. Get out of your seat and go to your local gamestore and buy it. If I had to rate that game on a scale of 1 to 10, it would get at least a 12 ( note: it you look at my top five list and see GoW at the top, it is because I play that the most now).

So can the sequel measure up? Definetly. Is it better then the origanal? No way. So anyways, here is the reveiw:

To start off, one thing Hl2 does right is atmosphere. Valve has always been good at making atmosphereic fpses, but this takes it to the next level. From the moment you boot up the game, you feel immersed in an oppressed world. You watch as citizens are interrogated for no reason, and Civil Protection officers harass you and then beat you with stun sticks. And the plot only adds to this.

Apparently, aliens known as the combine have invaded, enslaved, and oppressed the people of Earth. You job is to topple there empire. Suffice it to say this game's plot, while it sounds cheesy on paper, is one of the best in gaming. I do not want to spoil anything, so I will just leave it at that.

Also worth mentioning are the characters, who are memorable and realistic. You can really see there expressions, and this is digital acting at it's finest.

And Hl2 does not stop with all these story elements. The gameplay, while standard for fps gmaes, is executed with alpomb. Enemies realisticly react to the enviroment and zombis will throw debris at you, while Combine chatter on the radio and call for reinforcements. And, suprisingly, they will come. Not scripted, but Combine will pull out a flare gun and shoot off a flare. This will draw more Combine to the area, making you life a hell of a lot harder.

All in all, Hl2 is a masterpeice shooter.
9.5 out of 10.
( note: While you are at the game store, buy this too. You will not regret it.)

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