Friday, March 30, 2007

Oblivion review

Obvlivion sucks. Do not get me started on this thing's faults. Well, to late I already got started. Anyway here is a list of why Oblivion sucks:

1: Someone screwed with the thermostat in the plane of Oblivion, so it's now blisteringly hot.

2: everysingle item, quest, person and thing in Oblivion is sucktacular. Don't ask me why, they just are.

Man, bet I had you thinking Oblivion was a really bad place, eh? Well the place is, but the game does not ( that was a reveiw for the city of Oblivion, in the small country of Hell.). Anyways, this a review for the game Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Luckily, that game is nowhere as bad as the city it named after.

Elder Scrolls Oblivion reveiw

So heres the review you probaly are reading this for:

Oblivion is massive. As in mind-numbingly huge. As in nearly as big as The Elder Scrolls Morrowind ( great game, get it now). Your brain would pop out of your skull just thinking about how big it is. It probaly takes around 200+ hours to beat.

Will you play all those hours? Probaly not. Id say you will probaly beat about 50 hours or so of the game. The gameplay consists mainly of talking to peeps, killing monsters, doing quests, and LOADS of other stuff. The combat is pretty enjoyable, as are most of the quests. There's so much to say on this game, I'm just gonna list the stuff:


Combat: Combat in Oblivion is throughly enjoyable. All the weapons hit with a nice thud, but it gets repetitive when you fight the same enemie again and again, which happens alot in CENSORED FOR SPOILERS.

Magic: is done pretty well, but most spells look the same. There's a good amount of them, but they all feel too similair.

Monsters: Pretty good. They all feel and fight pretty well, with some good sound effects.

Quests: Each one is great, and there are tons, so this area of the game is quite good.

Characters: Usually pretty bland, but the major ones ( mostly quest givers and important figures ) are all extremely memorable.

Tons of other stuff: most of the other stuff is genarelly pretty well done.


Oblivion: everything in the plane of oblivion is pretty craptacular.

not really to much else.

Overall, Oblivion is a pretty crappy city. But a great game. So if you have held out on buying this installment in the Eldar Scrolls, I strongly urge you to buy it before I open a gate to Oblivion in YOUR living room.
Overall 9 out of 10

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