Thursday, February 15, 2007

Has the Wii been left behind?

While I currently think the Wii is going strong, while browsing through the new isue of Game Informer, I realized tht there was not a single wii game featured here that interested me one bit. The three or so games that were coming out for the Wii were : Cooking Mama cook off, escape from bug island, and Legend of the dragon. The two Wii games that were getting reveiwed,far cry and wario ware, both scored low. Now the Wii has some very good games out for it,
But it but it seems like there are two sets of games coming: ones for 360 and Ps3, and ones for Wii. With last gen, if there was a big realease, it came out for all the consoles. But now if they release,say, star wars battlefront 3, it is sort of doubtful that it would come out for the Wii, mainly becasue the the Wii is so different then its competitors. So when will publishers relize that they NEED to realease some real games for the Wii. When people buy the Wii, they probaly want real games, NOT a series of minigames or cooking crap. Now I am not saying that Rayman: Raving Rabbids is a bad game, In fact I hear it is quite good, but when 10 lookalkes get relesed, something is not quite right. There are some games that are very good on the Wii (coughexitetruckcough) and some games that get an average score of 11.5 out out of ten(hack up lung twililight Princess) but most peaple do not want to play Cooking Mama cook off bundled with Arise, Fishing Master (both of these are actual games, probably releasing in the states this year). So when will will publishers release atcual games for Wii? I dont know, but if the only games that are not gimmicky crap and that will have SOME mainstream interest are Madden and Call of Duty this year, the it doesnot look to good for the Wii. Now I am not biased against the Wii, but I do not want to play minigames for the rest of the year. Some of the big realeases are not coming out on the Wii, such as Rainbow Six vegas, Star Wars the force unleashed, Assasins creed and a lot more. So it seems by innovating, Nintendo has excluded a lot more mainstream games then they should have. Please comment!


Anonymous said...

I think cooking mama is one of the most funnest games for the DS so its
got to be good for the wii.

The ps3 has the best graphics resistance fall of man blows
gears of wars graphics away. In a couple years the ps3 will be the top gaming console once it fix is all the glich is. I think the 360 is gonna
stay in the middle of the gaming consoles. -Zach

Anonymous said...

Nice, blog, its shaping up nicely. Regarding the article though, I'm going to have to disagree. So far, from what I've played, the wii has some good, innovative games out. Wii sports, Redsteel, ExiteTrick, and Metal Slug weren't all getting great reviews, but they are all fun games, with interesting controls/gameplay. As for whats on the horizon, Resident Evil Wii, Super Mario Galaxy, and Super Smash Brothers Brawl, are all looking pretty good so far, plus theres a metroid prime game coming out. So, I would say that Wii has some pretty good games out so far, and it looks like its going to get a whole lot better later this year.
- Seth

the homeschooling gamer said...

I agree with what your saying, and to be honest, I completly forgot about those games. But the Wii is missing out a little. I don't think exellent games such as Rainbow Six Vegas or The Eldar Scrolls IV: Oblivion are coming to the Wii. So I guess for every god game that comes to Ps3 and 360, there will be an equally good game for the Wii. Oh and one last thing: how do I check my hits?

Anonymous said...

Yea, I would agree. Not sure about how to check your hits though.
- Seth

Anonymous said...

dont trust the far cry review on the wii that game is sweet it just
got bad reviews cause the graphics.
I didint like red steel though. I will probably get cooking mama (Love That Game) The best game out so far is zelda. The ps3 is gonna rock. The graphics are so good once they fix all the glitch is its gonna blow the 360 and wii away.
I think at the end of 2008 the ps3
is gonna be at the top wii in the middle 360 dead last. But in till they fix the glitch is in the ps3
im sticking with the 360 and wii.

the homeschooling gamer said...

it also seems that unfortunatley the Wii has a suplus of gimmicky games and Japan-ey imports. While I will take your word for Cooking Mama,
I think Nintendo should try to get some of the big titles like oblivion and vegas on their machine

Anonymous said...

I just picked up a copy of Smooth Moves, and IMO its the best wii game to date.

Anonymous said...

Yes smooth moves is the best game ever. want to make this like a message bord to tell about are new/favorite games?.

Anonymous said...

I read this post and I thout it was
WRONG. first of all no one cares
about Star wars the video game.
Rainbow six would suck on the wii.
you probably dont even own a wii
I hate people who talk trash about
consoles they probably dont even OWN!
-Michael Jackson

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Has any one ever played
counter strike? Very fun game
it comes free with half life.

Anonymous said...

Dont trust gameinformer reviews.
gamespot is the best website
for reviews. smooth moves scored 9.1 very true.

Anonymous said...

Dont trust gameinformer reviews.
gamespot is the best website
for reviews. smooth moves scored 9.1 very true.

Anonymous said...

do you guys like bruce lee movies?

Anonymous said...

IMO GI has some good reviews, but alot of the time they score too low, or too high. And staty on topic, This is about the Wii, not BruceLee / Counter-Strike.

Anonymous said...

jakie chan?

Anonymous said...

jet li?

Anonymous said...

andy lao?

the homeschooling gamer said...

I have played on the Wii quite a bit, and , quite frankly, I am not impressed.While i was playing Exite Truck, half the time the controller did not respond or sent me in the other direction. But that was probaly a really bad example with Wario Ware: Smooth Moves.

Anonymous said...

the batterys were probably low
when you were playing exite truck.
yes dont trust GI review for
smooth moves. any one watch raw,smackdown,ECW