Sunday, February 18, 2007

The WarchIefs review

If you have plaued AOE3, then you have probaly realied its main fault: no variety in races. Some of them have interesting gimmicks to them ( ottomans ) and some of them are just plain screwed. Now the Warchiefs takes this problem and adds three new races which are extremely different then the other races. They are the Lakota, Siux ( probaly really bad spelling), and Aztecs. The two main differences between these and the other races are that they have a Fire Pit and a Warchief. The Warchief is a extremely powerful explorer unit, but not to the point were you can ruh with him. He gets more powerful as you age up, so he is never really useless. The other difference is that you can assighn villagers to dance at the fire pit, and thi will give your civ varius perks. The most useful of these is a major bump in unit production. This i a really nice thing as it lets you specilize your civ to a whole new level. These are the main difference, but each new race has a heavy specilization in a certain field:

Siux: these guys are extremely god with hores, and as such they ahve extremely good with them, but they also have en extremely overpowered infrinty uni, the Wakina Rifle.

Lakota: All around pretty good and they are the best race t start out with out of all the Indians.

Aztecs: they have the best infantry.Period.

This is an allaround good expansion pack, but you can still play the game without it and feel satisfied. Only for those who have played the original game to death, but If you find a copy cheap, its worth picking up.
Overall 8 out of 10


lpk said...

Hey Homeschooling gamer. I really like how your blog is coming along. However, since I'm not home for a few days to go over grammar and punctuation, have Dad review last posts with you. Too many errors. Slow down your typing and proof-read. That is all.

Anonymous said...

Finally ive been waiting all day
for this review GOSH! Hi lpk.

Anonymous said...

Good Review, sounds like a decent expansion pack. Like I said in my comment of your AoE3 review, I would label them both as reviews, so those looking for all your reviews can find them by clicking the label.
(i forgot to sign my previous post)