Monday, July 30, 2007

Call of Juarez review

I rented Call of Juarez a couple of days ago. I must say that I am not blown away by this western fps. It's mainly about two people: Billy and preacher. I forget preachers name, so I will call him preacher. Anyway, Early on, Billy murders his parents and preacher go's on the hunt for him. Both of them encounter many hardships(mostly bandits and Apaches). Typically, Billy will go through an area, then preacher will chase him through that area.

The main twist to the game is that you play as Billy and preacher. This gets interesting. You emotions really get toyed with. One second you want revenge as preacher, the next you want survival with Billy. And with these differences come differences in play styles and ability's.

With Billy, stealth is important. He dies's allot quicker the preacher, and thus relies more on stealth. So, while playing as Billy you get a formula like this:
Stealth,stealth-kikll,stealth-kill, big battle. Rinse and repeat. And,for the most part, this works. It gets tiresome eventually but then you get the preacher formula:
Concentration mode kill, big battle.big battle with concentration mode, big battle ,run around trying to figure out what to do next, big battle. Once again, this works on a basic level.

Now, to preacher. He plays exactly like a normal fps. You grab some guns, blast some people, and do some more fighting. The fighting as preacher is actually pretty fun. It;s normal fps with one twist: Concentration mode. Each gun gets one cursor, and they are moved around the screen with the analog sticks. Time go's into slow-mo, but you don't. Your bullets move at a normal rate, your guns move pretty slow though. When an enemy gets hit,he die's really slowly(because it's in slow motion).

Once you get past the setting, you have a pretty standard fps.

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