Friday, August 3, 2007

Crackdown review

Crackdown, places you in the shoe's of a super cop(Really. This guy eats superman for breakfast) and task's you with the cleansing of the streets of criminal scum. I think that allot of the fun of Crackdown comes with just screwing around. This "screwing around" usually involves parking tickets.

Now, if you a parking ticket in real life, you get fined $50 dollars or so. In Crackdown, a parking ticket is one of the following:
1: The super cop shoots out all the wheels on the vehicle, get's in, and drives around town while being shot at by gangsters. It also involves a unhealthy amount of driving into large building's at high speeds. And a lot of failed stunts. The "Parking ticket" usually culminates with the being comepletly and utterly destroyed.

2: The second punishment, is a rather effective way of taking out criminals. You drive towards them, then jump out of the, sending it speeding towards a group of criminals. You then shoot the gas cap, and watch the resulting explosion from a safe distance.

3: This punishment is for less serious violations. Have you ever played the game "kick the can"? Well, you do that, but to a car instead.

Now, I will let you in on a little secret. There are no parking violations in Crackdown. You just do that when you get frustrated.
8.5 out of 10.

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