Monday, August 6, 2007

video game violence,part 2

In all fairness, the game industry has not really been too worried about the ratings. You really have to go out of your way to make an AO game. Any game that receives this rating is,in short, screwed. But, game makers don't seem to care too much about the rating.

An after effect of this is the in-between state many game's are stuck in. You see, a game's rating greatly affects it's demographic. So, if a game is rated M for one small thing, and the rest of the game is T-content, then that game will hit that weird in between state. It definitely should not be rated M, and gamer's that aren't allowed to play M games (or cant purchase them) will not-can not- buy that game. And, just like that, a game loses about 20 to 50 percent of it's market.

And then there are game's like Unreal Tournament and Gears of War. They come default with plenty of blood and guts, but have the options to turn it off. While they still lose that youth demographic, they make gamers who would not normally be able to play them can.(note: Gears of War multiplayer,can, in all respects,become T rated. Just set the following options: Extreme content off, dialogue volume 0, and only play multiplayer. Works for me).

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