Thursday, July 26, 2007

Zen: An introduction.

I approach writing this cautiously. I am no Zen master, nor do I pretend to one. Anyway, hopefully this will wet your palette and inspire you to research more Zen. Simply put, Zen is. The common image of Zen is someone floating a few feet off the ground, in the lotus position and meditating. Let me dismiss this bile. First off, it's impossible to levitate. Secondly, people(including me) meditate in allot of positions.

Now, about Zen itself. It's very difficult, if not impossible, to put into writing. It's actually a form of mushin. Mushin is a state of no-thought. You just let go of all logic and thoughts, letting instinct take over. In short, you let instinct take over. One of the best examples of it is archery. The archer pulls back his bow, aims, and releases not on logic, nut on what feels right. Another example is skateboarding. When your on a half pipe, your mind screams not to do it. If you drop in while thinking about it, you will most certainly fall.

One of main things about Zen itself is meditating. Before I began meditating, I felt stressed. But when I began meditating and took the time to do it properly, I was able to single out every issue in my life and felt a good bit more laid back about things.

And one of the last issues I will tackle in this article is religion. Zen is usually associated with Zen-Buddhism, which is a sect of Buddhist Monks that do Zen. And let me tell you that, while there are Zen Monks out there, you do not have to be a Buddhist to do some Zen. I can also tell you that there are a alot of Christian Zen masters. It is not necessarily sacrilegious to do Zen, but can be. Now this is not the ramblings of a drowsy gamer, but an actual answer from a paster that I asked about this.


lpk said...

loved your Zen meditation post. Interesting stuff. I hope you follow it some more. LPK

Anonymous said...

Just checking how to leave anon. comment.

Anonymous said...

Yah, my dad does a lot of zen stuff. ^.^