Friday, March 30, 2007

Oblivion review

Obvlivion sucks. Do not get me started on this thing's faults. Well, to late I already got started. Anyway here is a list of why Oblivion sucks:

1: Someone screwed with the thermostat in the plane of Oblivion, so it's now blisteringly hot.

2: everysingle item, quest, person and thing in Oblivion is sucktacular. Don't ask me why, they just are.

Man, bet I had you thinking Oblivion was a really bad place, eh? Well the place is, but the game does not ( that was a reveiw for the city of Oblivion, in the small country of Hell.). Anyways, this a review for the game Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Luckily, that game is nowhere as bad as the city it named after.

Elder Scrolls Oblivion reveiw

So heres the review you probaly are reading this for:

Oblivion is massive. As in mind-numbingly huge. As in nearly as big as The Elder Scrolls Morrowind ( great game, get it now). Your brain would pop out of your skull just thinking about how big it is. It probaly takes around 200+ hours to beat.

Will you play all those hours? Probaly not. Id say you will probaly beat about 50 hours or so of the game. The gameplay consists mainly of talking to peeps, killing monsters, doing quests, and LOADS of other stuff. The combat is pretty enjoyable, as are most of the quests. There's so much to say on this game, I'm just gonna list the stuff:


Combat: Combat in Oblivion is throughly enjoyable. All the weapons hit with a nice thud, but it gets repetitive when you fight the same enemie again and again, which happens alot in CENSORED FOR SPOILERS.

Magic: is done pretty well, but most spells look the same. There's a good amount of them, but they all feel too similair.

Monsters: Pretty good. They all feel and fight pretty well, with some good sound effects.

Quests: Each one is great, and there are tons, so this area of the game is quite good.

Characters: Usually pretty bland, but the major ones ( mostly quest givers and important figures ) are all extremely memorable.

Tons of other stuff: most of the other stuff is genarelly pretty well done.


Oblivion: everything in the plane of oblivion is pretty craptacular.

not really to much else.

Overall, Oblivion is a pretty crappy city. But a great game. So if you have held out on buying this installment in the Eldar Scrolls, I strongly urge you to buy it before I open a gate to Oblivion in YOUR living room.
Overall 9 out of 10

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Half Life 2 reveiw

In case you do not know now about Half life ( highly unlikely ), it is a popular fps series. The first game took ai to the next level, with enemys covering there squadmates, chucking grenades, flanking you, and many more manuvers. It also happened to be one of the best games on earth. If you do not own it, get it. Like right now. Get out of your seat and go to your local gamestore and buy it. If I had to rate that game on a scale of 1 to 10, it would get at least a 12 ( note: it you look at my top five list and see GoW at the top, it is because I play that the most now).

So can the sequel measure up? Definetly. Is it better then the origanal? No way. So anyways, here is the reveiw:

To start off, one thing Hl2 does right is atmosphere. Valve has always been good at making atmosphereic fpses, but this takes it to the next level. From the moment you boot up the game, you feel immersed in an oppressed world. You watch as citizens are interrogated for no reason, and Civil Protection officers harass you and then beat you with stun sticks. And the plot only adds to this.

Apparently, aliens known as the combine have invaded, enslaved, and oppressed the people of Earth. You job is to topple there empire. Suffice it to say this game's plot, while it sounds cheesy on paper, is one of the best in gaming. I do not want to spoil anything, so I will just leave it at that.

Also worth mentioning are the characters, who are memorable and realistic. You can really see there expressions, and this is digital acting at it's finest.

And Hl2 does not stop with all these story elements. The gameplay, while standard for fps gmaes, is executed with alpomb. Enemies realisticly react to the enviroment and zombis will throw debris at you, while Combine chatter on the radio and call for reinforcements. And, suprisingly, they will come. Not scripted, but Combine will pull out a flare gun and shoot off a flare. This will draw more Combine to the area, making you life a hell of a lot harder.

All in all, Hl2 is a masterpeice shooter.
9.5 out of 10.
( note: While you are at the game store, buy this too. You will not regret it.)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Exclusive! Or is it?

Recently I have seen several games jump ship on exclusivity ( Assasin's Creed, Devil May Cry 4) and it it seems like there are a lot less exclusive games nowadays. In fact, it seems that exclusive now means on so and so's console first, and other platforms later. Now I am not saying this is a bad thing, in fact it is a good thing, since gamers without deep pockets get to play more games. But it could be bad, as Sony is undoubtedly learning. Many of their games are jumping ship, ( I hear Final Fantasy XIII is getting off the boat) and some already have.

So is exclusivity dead? No way! Flagship titles like Halo, Mario, and Resistance will more than likely stay on the publisher's consoles. But it is still pretty likely that other franchises will stray to the other consoles. It also seems like there could be a case of everybody buying a game on a particular console for better graphics and online support. If a Wii and 360 owner is excited about a game, they will probaly buy it on 360 for the better graphics and online support ( Wii online makes use of "Friend Codes" and Live is just easier to use). So Wii and Ps3 could lose out to the 360 because it has better online support.

It will be intereting to see if any of the consoles become the one to buy a multiplatform game. Please comment.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Map advice: Gridlock.

Ah, Gridlock. By far the most popular map.

Plan 1 send half of your team to the boomshot and the other half to the sniper. Boomshot team will flank any enemies at sniper nest and then elimanate all other enemies.

Plan 2 Get every one to rush sniper, and one half of your team will flank around and kill any enemies at the sniper spawn.

plan 3 rush the boomshot and send one member of your team team to flank and kill the enemies.

Advice Keep your head down and stay on your here as the oppopsition will usually have a boomshot or a sniper. Rushing is nto very effective. Pistol wipping and chainsawing is effective near the boomshot and sniper spawns. Lancer fire is also quite effecitve, but only when two people fire. Also remember the frags. These can come in quite handy.

gow tips and tricks part 3

Here are some good tips for Gow online mp.

1 Stick together. I cannot stress the importance of this enough. Alone you aere weak. Together you are ownage. Stay together or die. I think I have stressed the importance of this enough.

2 Make a plan. You can not win on skill alone. You need a plan or you will be demolished. Stick with the plan once your team has agreed upon one. If you do not, you will be owned.

3 Dont take weapons your not good with. Let the sniper have the sniper rifle. It is OK to stick with the starting weapons for a round or two. They are more then good enough for helping your teamates out.

While these tips will help you through a ranked match or two, I am going to the next level and giving you map by map advice.
Note: it could take me a little to get these up, so bear with me as I post them.

Gow tips and tricks part 2

I said check back soon. And I meant soon. As one of my lessons today I have to write ALOT of stuff. So here is part 2 of Gow tips and tricks:

List 2 : some more n00by stuff I found.

1 using the same strategy over and over. Regardless of how good your strat is, there is a counter. Depending on how tacticly effecient your team is, it could take anywhere between 1 and 10 rounds to find a counter. It usually takes me about two rounds to find an effective counter. So keep it varied. Mix up your plans a little having two or 3 plans will usually screw up your opponent to the point were they can not play. Well that is assuming they are good plans.

2 Glitching. Now glitches can be very useful, but only use them with the permission of the host. If I host and you use glitchs, then your gone. Booted.

3 Kill stealing. There is nothing more annoying then have an epic shotgun duel with that guy who chainsawed you last round and having some sniper kill him while he is on the ground and you are in the process of curb stomping him.

That is all for now, but check back in about half an hour for some non-nooby tips and tricks

Gears of War tips and tricks

While playing GoW online I have noticed some various, for lack of a better word, n00by strategys. Here I will list some of things you can do to get better at GoW online.

List 1: nooby things

1: torque bow beatdowns. Too many too many times have I seen noobs take the torque bow and then charge fowards and beat someone down with it, thinking it has a better melee. It doesnt. In multiplayer all melees are the same thing.

2 Wannabe troikas. I have also seen people that take a couple of lancer shots, hurt a locust or two, then go away before downing anyone. Not only does this give away your position, but it also wastes ammo ( I know it is hard to run out of ammo in mp but if you are pinning enemies down then you will not be able to fire as long, and pinning is pretty effective). If you are going to start shooting, at least try to down someone, if not kill them.

3 Lone wolfing it. GoW is a team game. If you are playing a 3vs3 game or a 4vs4 then you do not want to ditch your team and go loner. If opposition is working in teams of two ( which they should be ) you are screwed when you encounter them. The exeption to this is if you are working with your team. If you decide to flank the fire base that has your team pinned down, then that is not n00by.

Check back soon for more lists and I will probaly have more guides up.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Civil War reveiw

Games have not been kind to the History Channel. First comes the abomination that was Civil War ( that was a craptacular turn-based strategy game). Then comes this reincarnation of Civil War. I must say I was suprised.

It starts simply with your commanding officer telling you to hold the bridge. The sounds of battle are ringing in your ears, and sound is one thing Civil War: A Nation Divided does right. Muskets go off with a rather loud pop. There is an extremely satisfying thud as the butt of your rifle connects with your opponets head and you stab him with your bayonet.

Speaking of weapons, Civil War features tons of them, and each one is realistic. This includes the reloading times. While I was used to pop the clip out and stick in a new in about four seconds, I found myself waiting for 20 seconds while my character loaded in a fresh bullet and rammed some gunpowder down the barrel. Well, at least for the muskets. They are useful for the long range firefights, but I found myself using repeatinng rifles far more. The ability to fire off five ( unnacurate and short-ranged) shots compared to a single one hit kill shot really neutralized the need for a musket.

With all these features, you would think Civil War would really make an identity for itself. This is not the case. It feels WAY to much like Call of Duty to have one. I mean, the mission structure is the same ( hold the bridge, plant the explosives,yawn)
and enemys and allies msysticly poof in. The ai is good, but not perfect.
All these flaws place the game in the above average zone rahter then the great zone I would like it to be in.

A weird thing I noticed: you can get acheivements jsut for killing enemies. At first lance it seems like the developers were lazy in the acheivment area, the are cleverly implmeneted here and will keep this game in you disc tray for awhile.
Overall 7.5 out of 10.
While I may have given it a lower score then most of my games, the realistic weapons and battles make this a must have for anyone who likes the Civil War ( like me, I was in 2 reinactments).

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dark Messaih reveiw

One of the most overlooked games in gaming is Dark Messaih of Might and Magic. This game has some of the best melee combat.Ever. The world is your weapon. Light things on fire, roll barrels down steps to hurt enimies, kick enemies onto spikes, and many more ways of killing are at your disposal. All thses elements combine to make a very good game, even though it is extremely buggy. Several patches were released and they fixed that problem. I hear a 360 port is coming soon, so do not buy the pc version. Odds are thet will have fixed all those problems, and given the game a new coat of paint.

This game is,bassicly, a non-linear linear game. There are allmost many ways to go about your objectives. You can sneak atound and avoid combat, or you can hack and slash through all the enimies in your way. DMoMM also has an extremely effective upgrade system. You earn points by completing objectives, and then use those points to buy new skills. Each skill has several ranks to it, but you will have to spend points to unlock the next rank.

This game is for you if you liked the combat in Oblivion, and make sure to get the game when it comes out on 360.
Overall 8 out of 10.
Note: If you have noticed all my reveiw scores seem high, it is because I only buy games that get good scores. I use lots of sites like GameSpot, anmd get magazines like Game Informer. And don't expect to see any PS2 or PS3 reviews up here. I dont own any of those consoles.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Prey reveiw ( x-box 360)

Prey is a first person shooter. Prey certainly stats off slow. Your in your girlfreinds bar, and to guys get drunk and wont leave. You then need to beat them unconcious with the wrench, your primary melee weapon throughout the game. Then you, in on of the best scenes in gaming, get abducted by aliens. While your shackled to a metal slab, a human causes a malfunction and your holder drops to the ground. You have to club some giant space chickens to death with the wrench. After killing your first enemy soldier, you will get your first firearm. All the weapons in Prey have a squishy, organic feel. This weapon slowly regenarates ammo, so you wont't have to worry about that much. That is if your good with peashooters.

The game is one big ride after that, with normal firefights and puzzles. Well, not exactly normal. Prey has a cool wall flipping feature, where gravity will reverse and it seems like the room your in just flipped on its side, but It didnt, and it is quite possibile to be shooting at enemies on the ceiling, or in some other crazy area. But it does not stop there. Large blue strips on the walls indacate a wall-walk panel. You can walk on these, even if they go straight up walls. This leads to some cool moments with you shooting at bad guys on the floor.

Unforunately, Prey is not perfect. When your not on the wall, action is pretty normal. Allmost all the puzzles are solved by flipping gravity. It also runs its self to the ground with far too many gravity flipping puzzles. Prey is a great game, and definetly a must for fps fans.
Overall: 8.5 out of 10