Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dark Messaih reveiw

One of the most overlooked games in gaming is Dark Messaih of Might and Magic. This game has some of the best melee combat.Ever. The world is your weapon. Light things on fire, roll barrels down steps to hurt enimies, kick enemies onto spikes, and many more ways of killing are at your disposal. All thses elements combine to make a very good game, even though it is extremely buggy. Several patches were released and they fixed that problem. I hear a 360 port is coming soon, so do not buy the pc version. Odds are thet will have fixed all those problems, and given the game a new coat of paint.

This game is,bassicly, a non-linear linear game. There are allmost many ways to go about your objectives. You can sneak atound and avoid combat, or you can hack and slash through all the enimies in your way. DMoMM also has an extremely effective upgrade system. You earn points by completing objectives, and then use those points to buy new skills. Each skill has several ranks to it, but you will have to spend points to unlock the next rank.

This game is for you if you liked the combat in Oblivion, and make sure to get the game when it comes out on 360.
Overall 8 out of 10.
Note: If you have noticed all my reveiw scores seem high, it is because I only buy games that get good scores. I use lots of sites like GameSpot, anmd get magazines like Game Informer. And don't expect to see any PS2 or PS3 reviews up here. I dont own any of those consoles.

1 comment:

lpk said...

Great homework assignment! Keep up the good work! MOM