Sunday, March 18, 2007

Gears of War tips and tricks

While playing GoW online I have noticed some various, for lack of a better word, n00by strategys. Here I will list some of things you can do to get better at GoW online.

List 1: nooby things

1: torque bow beatdowns. Too many too many times have I seen noobs take the torque bow and then charge fowards and beat someone down with it, thinking it has a better melee. It doesnt. In multiplayer all melees are the same thing.

2 Wannabe troikas. I have also seen people that take a couple of lancer shots, hurt a locust or two, then go away before downing anyone. Not only does this give away your position, but it also wastes ammo ( I know it is hard to run out of ammo in mp but if you are pinning enemies down then you will not be able to fire as long, and pinning is pretty effective). If you are going to start shooting, at least try to down someone, if not kill them.

3 Lone wolfing it. GoW is a team game. If you are playing a 3vs3 game or a 4vs4 then you do not want to ditch your team and go loner. If opposition is working in teams of two ( which they should be ) you are screwed when you encounter them. The exeption to this is if you are working with your team. If you decide to flank the fire base that has your team pinned down, then that is not n00by.

Check back soon for more lists and I will probaly have more guides up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great resource!