Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Acheivments: Yay or nay?

When the 360 lanched, there were not many breaks from the norm. It had improved graphics, and better online play. But the one thing that Microsoft DID break away from the norm with is Acheivemts.

Previously, one gamer would lose a match of Halo or something like that. Then he would blame something broken like " You spammed grenades to much, noob!!!". When this failed, said gamer would throw out something like " I once beat the ENTIRE campaign on legendary using only melees." Of course, this is ridiculous. This claim would be denied by the winner, and could only be settled by a soda drinking contest. Well, Microsoft put aan end to that with acheivements.

Lets say you beat a game on super hard without any outside help. On the 360 this would net you an acheivement. This acheivement would boost your gamerscore. Your gamerscore had no value, exept bragging rights. And while this seems all nice, there are some pitfalls.

In Gears, you can get acheivments for killing 100 hundred people with the torque bow. Due to this, it is quite commonplace to come into a game only to hear three high pitched,sqeaky, and extremely annoying voices screaming " I will !@@#&*% EAT the !@@^)&# who teks my !@#$#%*%^&% torque !#!$#@!%$! bow". Then these voices will get into a shouting match witch sounds like this

Noob1: Stay away from my torque bow!
Noob2: Shut the !@#@ up!
Noob3: No you shut up!
Need I say more?

The other downside comes in the from powerbosters. These guys, much like powerlevers, will boost your gamerscore for a hefty fee. Hopefully anyone who does this enjoy their fake noob points.

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