Sunday, June 3, 2007

Redoubt, chapter 3

" Wake up! Wake up! Them damned rebs are coming! I was lying in a field. There was a union soldier talking to me." All right all right I'm up! Now whats going on? I got up as the old soldier explained the situation. " Dem damned rebs are coming. Dey have killed all the people in my sqaud. And they are charging this position! We need to get-" he was interupted by the roar of cannons and some explosions nearby. Well, more accurately very very close by. I heard the battle cry of the rebs and loaded my musket. Then I saw them. Thousands of rebs. It was like a tsunami, but made out of men. But that was'nt the bad part. The bad part was what came next.

In a moment I will remember for the rest of my posibly very short life, I saw men in strange uniforms, even stranger creatures, and weapons of many,many differnent forms. and they were all charging at us. But the union soldier next to me was not scared. He fired his weapon, but instead of bullets coming out, lightning shot out!

The lightning hit a strange four legged creature. That creature slumped to the floor, killed instantly. Suddenly, a man in a strange green uniform fired a rifle-like weapon at me. The effect was astounding. Instead of one bullet shooting, thousands did! Then a small, green object landed near me. Ten seconds after that, it exploded.

The union soldier began to scream, and I realizeed that one of the rapid foring bullets had hit him." Git out of here,boy, less you wanna end up like me" said the soldier, in a raspy voice. And I did. I ran and ran and ran until my letgs felt like lead. And then I crawled, desperate to get away from that horrible scene, the sounds of battle still ringing in my ears.

DO NOT BE AFRAID> VISIONS OF THIS TYPE ARE COMPLETELY NORMAL IN REDOUBT. It was that voice again." What is place? Why am I here?" I screamed in the general direction I thought the voice was coming from." Where are you? Who are you?!!!" I AM HERE. " But where is here?!?!". HERE IS RIGHT BEHIND YOU.

What? I whirled around, only to find the union soldier behind me his wounds healing.
" You should be dead!" I exclaimed at him. NO. The voice was coming from him, no doubt. But his mouth was'nt moving. " Your... your not real, are you?"

My god.

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