Friday, June 15, 2007

OverLord preview

The way I see it, there are three types of games. There are dark and serious ones,
like Gears and Prey. And then you have one's that are not overly serious, nor are they overly comedic. These tpyes of games, like Super Smash Bros and Mario, are mostly from Nintendo and sometimes other publishers. The third type of game is not serious in any way, and it go's out of it's way to openly mock it's subject matter. This is the catergory Overlord falls into. And, while I have n ot played the finished product, I really like the vibe it's going for.

From the opening scene ( in the demo. I have only played the demo, and that is what this preview is for) where you are being vicously dug out of the ground, exactly like Lurts or whatever his name is from the Lord of the Rings. While you are being dug out, it feels really cool, until one of the goblins- I thinmk they are goblins, could be demons- says" put some acid in his eyes, that will clear um up". And it's from that point on that you know that this game is going to be really,really,fun.

You are introduced to the game by a wise-goblin, and he shows you the controls and so on. The controls are very good, and I really felt like I was in control of my hore of things. You can send your goblins to any point with the right trigger( this game is for the 360) and then you can sweep them with the right thumbstick. You cast spells with x and make your character attack with a. You can lock on with left trigger.

One of the innovations of next gen gaming has been moral choices. They litterally beat you over the head with them in spinter cell: double agent. They are a bit more subtle in bioshock and oblivion. Overlord features it's own moral choices: You can be evil. Or you can be extremely evil. If you choose to be just plain old evil, you will walk along the countryside, gently beating the living daylights out of anything that looks at you.

If you choose to be really,really sinister and devious,not to mention evil, you should employ a more long term plan. I think your goblin advisor say's it best, so I will qoute him:" A good evil empire needs citizens. More specifically, LIVING citzens." So you have to get on the good side of everyone you meet. And only then can you gain absolute power!!!

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