Saturday, June 16, 2007

Great illustrated classics: war of the Worlds book reveiw.

This book caused a pretty big inicident when the author read it over the radio to the entire nation. See, this book is so good, most people thought it was real and panicked over nothing. The characters and events in the book were so plausible that even normally calm people got scared. Now, it takes a rare kind of book to do that. H.G. Wells made so many realistic characters, and his places seemed so real, that, after reading this book, you may panick as well.

Wells leads a normal enough life, until he spot's mysterious bursts of flame coming from mars. These bursts turn out to be canisters. One lands in a park nearby him, and it's hollow. When the top starts to unscrew, people begin to worry. Sure enough, martians are inside. Everybody scrambles out the way, but it's not quick enough. Martians fry everybody. Our hero barely makes it out alive.

And while that quickly sums up the first 50 pages or so, there is much more to be said for this book. It also start's to follow his cousin, which is very cool. And while I'm not going to spoil anything more(what I told you come's in the book early), you can be assured that War of the Worlds is that kind of book that your really going to enjoy. 10 out of 10.

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