Monday, June 11, 2007

Murphys law

Anything that can go wrong will . This is Murphys law. And, as I just found out in a play, it is 100 percent true. Now, this play had been practiced and rehearsed again and again. Besides a couple of line fumbles, not much had gone wrong. But, come opening night, Murphys law came true. Now let me explain what this play is all about. It is a play about Nick and Tickle, and they are detectives. Someone is stealing vital objects from many fairy tales. I know this is a silly premise, but it's a comedic play, not something even remotely serious. so anyway, my parts in the play are as following:

Jack, from Jack and the beanstalk.
Woody, a depressed tree.
And Father Bear, from Goldilocks.

So anyway, Here is just a list of some of the stuff that went wrong:

Screw up 1: My cue to go on as Woody is for Nick to finish a big monologue he has. Someone told the baby birds to go on, and they stumbled through the curtain way before the monolugue even started.

Screw up 2: My Woody costume. it was extremely floppy, so the top part continusly fell down. That, plus It was immpossible to stand up once it was used.

Screw up 3: The birds. Now, as Woody, I had several baby birds ( the younger actors) at my feet throughout the performance. Now, the bird parts were miniscule. So miniscule, they could be learned in 10 minutes if needed. It was due to this that all the actors that were birds kept putting off learing the birds part until the opening night came around. In order to make up for this, I had to study the parts of the script they should have known while backstage. Then, to get them to remember their cues, I told them that I would prod one of them with my foot when they missed a cue. And while this sounded pretty cheesy, it turned out to be REALLy funny, seeing a foot fly out and kick a baby bird.

Now, while there are many more mess ups in the play, none of them were as major as those ones. I have had other experiences like these ones, in fact far too many to count. So, the next time you are doing soemthing critical, remember: Anything that can go wrong will.

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