Saturday, June 16, 2007


I have seen too many multiplayer games ruined by glitching to sit down any longer. I simply can't stand when some moron with no skill thinks " if it's in the game, it's not cheating" and do's some glitches to make up for his lack of skill. It do's not matter if it's in the game, it's been confirmed by most developers that it's cheating!!! I don't mind it in private or custom game's, but doing it in ranked is just wrong.

Lets say your playing a ranked fps onlie. You see someone running towards you, faster then he should be and think " Uh oh. he has the speed boost power up." But then you remember that it only lasts thirty seonds. You hide in a corner and follow him. After thirty seonds, you fire on him with a shottie to the back. This should kill anything. But no. Since this guy is using some glitches, you can't hurt him. Then you think your lagging, and that was just an isolated glitch. You point blank him again, but the shot go's vright through him without doing anything. Then he turns around and kills you with a psitol with one shot. This is due to glitching.

I thought glitching would become impssoible to do with the rise of patches, but it seems that publishers are more content with shippnig woefully incomplete game's and maknig you pay for stuff that should have been in the game to start with. You sit down and game with the expectaitons of having a fun time,right? Well that's next to impossible when some imbecile with a pistol and unlimited invincability kills you with one shot that didnt even hit you.

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