Friday, June 8, 2007

Pokemon Pearl reveiw

Note: This should cover Diamond, as they are pretty much the same.

My thumb hurts. Not because of natural causes, not because I hit it with a hammer repeatidly yesterday, not because I am typing this. It hurt's cause I scrolled through a tidal wave of text while playing my copy of Pokemon: Pearl. Like, half the time you play that game is spent hitting the a button. Not to say Pokemon Pearl sucks, but that particular button is useed far too much.

Pokeomn Pearl ahs good parts and bad parts, and it switches between these quite frequently. One second you will be runnig along enjoying yourself, and the next you will be uttering things that I cannot and will not utter here. Usually this is because of the fact that the weakness and resistance systen is never very clear, and some pokemon, while appearing to be quite strong, are actually useless peices of dirt.

Then that useless pokemon will evolve into something unimagibly powerful. Like, into a slightly bigger form of it's self. of course, it will learn some good moves, and it will be overpowered till it gets nerfed again. Besides the rapidly changing level of enjoyment, Pokemon Pearl is remarkably similair to ruby and saphire. The layout is basicly the same- who am I kidding , it's the same thing. The teams behave the same way, the citys are the same, and the only thing that changed are the pokemon.

The formula is still the same. You wander around till something happens. You take care of that soemthing while levelnig up your up your pokemon. Wneh your pokemon are high enough level, you fihgt a boss. These battles are easy enough, assuming you have at least one pokemon thats is super effective. Then you can evolve pokemon, buy items, get in contests and that evens out the game.

All in all, Pokemon gets a 8 out of 10.


the homeschooling gamer said...

Hey Biby Cletus, do know Clic Noticias? I can sorta speak Spanish( is that what language Clic is typing in?), but noy enough to read his blog. Can he read english?

the homeschooling gamer said...

Oh, is he typing in Indian? I thought it was Spanish.